
Objavte našu ponuku unikátnych výrobkov z nerezovej ocele. Prinášame vysokú kvalitu, inovácie, riešenia na mieru a jednoduchšiu manipuláciu. S nami je vaša výroba vína a sladených nápojov oveľa jednoduchšia. 

Tanks for wine, beer, fruit fermentations and beverages

We offer quality tanks ideal for storage and fermentation of wine, beer, fruit yeasts and other beverages.

Cooling of wines, ciders and fruit ferments

Ensure optimal temperatures for fermentation and storage with our cooling solutions.

Accessories for Winery

Complete equipment for winemakers! We offer a wide selection of quality wine accessories - from fermentation corks and demijohns to stirrers, funnels and vessels.

VinPilot control system for wine and beverage cooling

Keep the fermentation process under control and maintain the top quality of your products.

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